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Dear REP01,

Thank you very much for your interest in REP02
product. Ensuring you and your business succeed with our product is our number one priority. Our company strives for complete customer satisfaction. Please find below the optimal product configuration proposal based on your inquiry:

  • Product: REP02
  • Product edition: REP03
  • Number of accounts: REP04
  • Support Level: REP05

You are free to evaluate the REP02 product until REP06.

Please start the product evaluation by logging here using your name and empty password (must be changed after your first login). Please keep in mind that number of accounts is limited to REP04.

Feel free to contact us with any question you might have.

Your sincerely,

John Alvaro, ++Services4U account manager

<html class="aAX" lang="en"><body class="aAU" tabindex="-1"><div><div class="nH" style="width: 1536px;"><div class="nH"><div class="nH bkL"><div class="no"><div class="nH bkK nn" style="width: 1334px;"><div class="nH"><div class="nH"><div class="nH ar4 z"><div class="aeI"><div class="AO"><div id=":4" class="Tm aeJ bt0" style="height: 608px;"><div id=":2" class="aeF" style="min-height: 418.4px;"><div class="nH"><div class="nH" style="" role="main"><div class="nH g id"><table class="Bs nH iY" role="presentation" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="Bu"><div class="nH if"><div class="nH aHU"><div class="nH hx"><div class="nH" role="list"><div class="h7 ie nH oy8Mbf Jux0I j23lnd" role="listitem" tabindex="-1"><div class="Bk"><div class="G3 G2"><div><div id=":276"><div class="gA gt ac5"><div class="gB acO"><div class="ip adB"><div class="M9"><div id=":2a0" class="aoI"><table id=":2a1" class="aoP HM"><tbody><tr><td id=":2b9" class="I5 bzE"><table class="iN"><tbody><tr><td id=":28r" class="GQ"><div id=":28t" class="qz aXjCH"><div id=":28v" class="et"><div id=":2a6" class="aoX"><div><table class="cf An" id="undefined" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td class="Ap"><div id=":2c3" class="Ar Au Ao" style="display: block;"><div id=":27y" class="Am Al editable LW-avf" hidefocus="true" aria-label="Message Body" g_editable="true" role="textbox" aria-multiline="true" style="direction: ltr; min-height: 85px;" tabindex="1" contenteditable="true"></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></td></tr></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></body></html>0,1Dear REP01, Thank you very much for your interest in REP02 product. Ensuring you and your business succeed with our product is our number one priority. Our company strives for complete customer satisfaction. Please find below the optimal product configuration proposal based on your inquiry: Product: REP02 Product edition: REP03 Number of accounts: REP04 Support Level: REP05 You are free to evaluate the REP02 product until REP06. Please start the product evaluation by logging here using your name and empty password (must be changed after your first login). Please keep in mind that number of accounts is limited to REP04. Feel free to contact us with any question you might have. Your sincerely, John Alvaro, ++Services4U account managerDear REP01, Thank you very much for your interest in REP02 product. Ensuring you and your business succeed with our product is our number one priority. Our company strives for complete customer satisfaction. Please find below the optimal product configuration proposal based on your inquiry: Product: REP02 Product edition: REP03 Number of accounts: REP04 Support Level: REP05 You are free to evaluate the REP02 product until REP06. Please start the product evaluation by logging here using your name and empty password (must be changed after your first login). Please keep in mind that number of accounts is limited to REP04. Feel free to contact us with any question you might have. Your sincerely, John Alvaro, ++Services4U account managerhttps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/16160fefd28c03215"å5å5 5"å5 Dear REP01, Thank you very much for your interest in REP02 product. Ensuring you and your business succeed with our product is our number one priority. Our company strives for complete customer satisfaction. Please find below the optimal product configuration proposal based on your inquiry: Product: REP02 Product edition: REP03 Number of accounts: REP04 Support Level: REP05 You are free to evaluate the REP02 product until REP06. Please start the product evaluation by logging here using your name and empty password (must be changed after your first login). Please keep in mind that number of accounts is limited to REP04. Feel free to contact us with any question you might have. Your sincerely, John Alvaro, ++Services4U account manager